a free compassion key group session

guided by Bree Dellerson, L.Ac.

optimizing your vibrational health

Live your fullest expression of life!

Experience the gentle power of self-directed compassion to clear the obstacles to your health and harmony.

You are warmly invited to attend my first Compassion Key FREE group event, Optimizing Your Vibrational Health, on Thursday, October 17th at 2pm PT | 5pm ET | 10pm UK
~ 90 minutes

This is for you if:

  • You tend to prioritize others' well being before your own.
  • Your body derails you from fulfilling your purpose and calling.
  • A limited bandwidth keeps you from serving in the highest capacity.
  • You’re ready to free yourself from the pain and suffering you’ve been living with.
  • You crave a deeper connection with yourself and want to live authentically.
  • You desire a life of purpose, freedom, ease and joy.

Intentions for the session include:

  • Integrating the pain body.
  • Clearing your etheric and karmic scars.
  • Tuning your physical and subtle bodies to the frequencies of Health and Harmony.
  • Being the vessel for your fullest expression of life.
  • Feeling lighter, connected, and empowered to make healthy choices in any area of your life.

Where two or more are gathered

There is an Intelligence weaving, revealing and unfolding Itself before us, guiding us to harmonize the theme that is most relevant for those who are present to co-create this journey.

We each hold a fractal of the pattern for the collective consciousness. Coming together in a group allows for amplified and deeper clearings for you on an individual level.

By signing up for and attending this call you agree to be recorded for educational purposes. This session will be used for my evaluation and certification as a Compassion Key Circle Leader.

The recording will not be sent out, so you must be able to attend live.

Once you sign up you will first be asked to confirm your subscription, and then you will receive the email with the zoom link.

If you don't see it in your inbox, email me at [email protected] and I will make sure you get it.

This session is open to all,

If you know anyone in your circles or community you feel would want to know about this special free event, you're welcome to share this light with others. The more hearts present, the more a greater shared benefit. ♡

I am so excited to share this offering with you, and grateful for your support as I take this next step on my journey.

Blessings, Bree

Health is your natural state.

Come together with other Light-minded beings to harmonize the nature of oneself!

October 17, 2024 at 5pm ET

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