𑁍 12 Ways to Transform Confusion into Clarity

Hello Luminous Reader,

Here's what I've picked up in the field for this week and it seems to be a recurrent theme that I also talk about in this month's messages:

There's some confusion and a looking over your shoulder.

It's the feeling of walking down the street and you feel someone is following you, so you instinctively hold your handbag closer to you.

You want to trust people, you really do. But some people do not give you a reason to trust them.

Trust your instincts. Trust yourself before you trust another.

There's a lot of fear I'm picking up as I'm tuning into field.

We're on a precipice as a nation and as humanity.

We knew this time was coming. Ancient and modern mystics alike, and indigenous peoples all shared their prophecies. It's written in the stars and in the sacred texts.


Isn't it fascinating how the meaning of one word drastically changes with the flip of two letters?

With fear and confusion you can't think clearly. If only someone could tell you what to do, life would be so much easier! This is what they want. They want you to be scared. They want to tell you what to do.

Do not play their games!

  • Know your own mind. A simple way to discern if your thoughts are your own is to ask yourself, "Is this me, or not me?" I typically get an instant response and knowing. If it's not me, sometimes it just falls away. If it is me, it tends to stick. Play with it and notice how it shows up for you.
  • Use your highest discernment. Your brain can be easily manipulated, so checking in with the highest aspect of who you are is helpful. The answers feel different from this place. Cultivating a daily connection will help you understand how this part of you communicates with you.
  • Listen to your body's messages. This also comes down to cultivating a relationship with yourself to understand how your body communicates with you. It never lies. You can dialogue with it, ask it questions to get more clarity.
  • Trust your inner guidance. Trust develops over time, whether it's with another or yourself. Starting small helps build this muscle for when the time comes to rely on it for more important decisions. Track how you receive your knowings and write down if they were accurate or not. Over time you'll see a pattern that can be useful.
  • Give yourself time to unplug each day and go out into nature. Take space from technology and others so you are not influenced by foreign signals. It will help you connect more deeply with your bodymind and hear yourself more clearly. It will also harmonize and attune you to the natural world, bringing you back into balance.
  • Journal for 10 minutes or more without stopping to help clear the monkey mind. This is a beautiful way to excavate and get to the root, or separate the wheat from the chaff. The key is to not stop writing no matter what. You may be surprised at what reveals itself, as well as clear what's in the way.
  • VERY IMPORTANT! Eat organic, high vibrational foods. What you eat directly influences your consciousness. You are an electromagnetic being. The more you can eat foods of that nature, essentially fresh fruits and vegetables, the better your body functions.
  • Stay hydrated, preferably by eating plenty of organic fruits and vegetables. This is the correct state of water for your body to take in.
  • Move your body. Walking and Gyrotonic help me tremendously. Whatever movement practice you have is wonderful, the key is to do it.
  • Breathe consciously at least once a day for 15 minutes. Doing this as soon after waking and before going to bed has numerous beneficial functions. Learning simple breathing and toning techniques will also help anchor you into present moment awareness, giving you greater clarity and intuitive knowing.
  • Connect with other people. Reach out to someone and let them know you're thinking of them, or ask a stranger how their day is going. We are all ONE being. You can uplift others and yourself simultaneously. Be a walking field of joy.
  • Do something that brings you joy each day. We tend to take care of others before ourselves. This is a reminder to give yourself permission to do at least one thing that makes you happy every day. Don't wait for the time. Make the time. You deserve it!

Question everything. Everything!

The clearer you get, the more is revealed. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it. There is no going back. You don't want to go back. Ignorance is not bliss. It's time to open your eyes and your Heart to the truth of who YOU are.

The world needs YOU.

If you're ready to transform the scared into sacred, I am here for you.

Last week I guided my first Compassion Key group session, Optimizing Your Vibrational Health, as part of my Circle Leader training. Almost 40 people were in attendance from all over the world!

I had so much fun facilitating the clearings for the group, and two clients for some one-to-one support. Powerful shifts were had! People felt like I was speaking directly to them.

"Wonderful space here, Bree! Feels very healing ♡"
"I feel filled with light."
"Pain free. Joyous. TY. 💖❤️‍🔥💖"
"So calm and peaceful integrated. Thank you 🙏💕"

I am excited to continue offering more of these events and would love to hear your ideas, topics you'd like to me focus on, and any other suggestions you have. Reply to this email and let me know how I can best support you.

Your body is perfectly designed for these times. It offers you immense power and unique gifts. It is guided by the Heart and emanates from the All That Is. You are here to enjoy your body and live a joyful, fulfilling, healthy and purposeful life.

Blessings, Bree

I pulled a card for you...

(This one fell out of the deck.)

I let go of all criticism. I open my heart to tolerance, sympathy, patience, humility and tenderness.

Schedule a private Sonic Alchemy session. Discount packages & payment plans available.

Download All My Ancestors and free yourself from their shadows so you can live your fullest expression of life.

❥ All of what I wrote above is also reiterated in October's messages: You Got This!

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I am offering a new cohort beginning sometime in January for 6-8 weeks, where I will guide you From Intention to Integration. Space is limited to 6 beautiful souls.

❥ If you are interested and want to learn more, get on the waitlist and click here.

Reply to this email and let me know your takeaway from this week's message. 💌

Did you miss a message? You can find them posted here.

It's my mission to Harmonize the Nature of Oneself. I would be most grateful to you for helping me share this message with those you feel would resonate with it. 🙏🏻

Alchemy & Oracles

Weekly channeled messages, good vibes, featured offerings and inspirational stories to awaken your body-mind to the music of your Heart and Highest Self.

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