✧ FREE Session Tomorrow ✧ Can You Make It, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

Hi Reader,

Just wanting to send you a quick reminder about tomorrow's free Compassion Key Group session to help you clear the obstacles to your health and harmony.

I'm so excited to share this modality with you that has become almost like another breath for me.

When my breath falters, I offer myself compassion until I can breathe again.

It brings me to places of illumination, clarity, healing, and connection.

It has helped me transform my personal pain, relationships and prosperity.

I truly can't say enough beautiful things about this practice, let alone the people I have met along the way.

The last few months I've been immersed in the Compassion Key Circle Leader training, which will certify me to facilitate groups.

Tomorrow is the day where I get to offer my first group session and I would love for you to be there.

>> Click Here To Reserve Your Free Space to Optimizing Your Vibrational Health: A Compassion Key Group Clearing <<

There will be time for both group clearings and 1-to-1 facilitations.

Oh, and plan to be there live and in-person because the recording will not be sent out.

This call will be recorded, but for educational purposes only and used for my evaluation.

I won't go into it in depth, but after participating in group clearings for the last 18+ months I can say...

There is an immensely supportive, compassionate, intelligent power available for you when we come together to integrate our wounded parts and optimize our vibrational health.

Blessings, B

We gather together tomorrow, October 17th at 5pm ET | 2pm PT | 10pm UK (~ 90 minutes)

Can you think of 3 people who would love to join you? Feel free to forward them this email or share this link with them: https://breedellersonlac.ck.page/ckvh
The more hearts and souls present, the greater the shared benefit.

By signing up for and attending this call you agree to be recorded for educational purposes only. This session will be used for my evaluation and certification as a Compassion Key Circle Leader. There will be no replay available, so you must be able to attend live.

Alchemy & Oracles

Weekly channeled messages, good vibes, featured offerings and inspirational stories to awaken your body-mind to the music of your Heart and Highest Self.

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