
Alchemy & Oracles

Weekly channeled messages, good vibes, featured offerings and inspirational stories to awaken your body-mind to the music of your Heart and Highest Self.

A yellow sunflower with a green center surrounded by green leaves
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✧ FREE Session Tomorrow ✧ Can You Make It, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

Hi Reader, Just wanting to send you a quick reminder about tomorrow's free Compassion Key Group session to help you clear the obstacles to your health and harmony. I'm so excited to share this modality with you that has become almost like another breath for me. When my breath falters, I offer myself compassion until I can breathe again. It brings me to places of illumination, clarity, healing, and connection. It has helped me transform my personal pain, relationships and prosperity. I truly...

Hello Luminous Reader! We did it! Myself and many others were calling upon the Lightworkers of the world to weaken and divert the storm. Both happened! Milton made landfall as a Category 3 and did move slightly south. Here, we were definitely protected from the Tropical Storm and the 20 plus tornados in our area, which was responsible for most of the damage. So, THANK YOU!!! Now, imagine what we can do for ourselves and the world when we come together for other purposes! One such purpose is...

Hi Reader, If you were at the most recent Sonic Acupuncture session, you may remember me asking you to save the date for a FREE group clearing as part of my training as a Compassion Key Circle Leader. Well, it's now official and you are warmly invited to attend my first event, Optimizing Your Vibrational Health, on Thursday, October 17th at 2pm PT | 5pm ET | 10pm UK. Experience the gentle power of self directed compassion to remove the barriers to your living a life of health and harmony....

Hi Reader, I've been witnessing our monthly Sonic Acupuncture sessions beautifully unfold from one to the next as a continual blossom with one opening unto the other. There is an intelligent tapestry being woven when we come together with Sound and Vision to clear and harmonize the distortions to your Light as it is expressed in form. Last month we explored the Field of Forgiveness and allowed its medicine to reveal and remedy the many facets of guilt, shame, resentment, and abandonment. This...

Hello Luminous Reader! There's a lot to be done. Your dedication and commitment is required to see this through. Lives depend on it. You may believe your actions have no impact, but you forget you are One with all Life. Everything you do has meaning. Everything you do impacts everything else. You are that powerful. How will you choose to use this power? Impactful thoughts... ▸ If you knew your thoughts had an impact on your world and the people around you, what thoughts would you have about...

Dear Reader, This was the visceral memory I had during my first experience with Edward Mannix, founder of the Compassion Key, almost 2 years ago. I don't remember what he said that catapulted me into this somatic state, but it overcame me. I wept as my body re-lived this trauma from another time. All I could say was, "They're taking my baby!" over and over until the energy lightened and cleared from my body. Then all the revelations started flowing in... and I saw how this influenced many of...

Hello Luminous Reader! Last week when I wrote Stay Afloat, I had no inkling of Hurricane Helene or the massive flooding and destruction that was coming our way. Thankfully, we were not in the direct path! Yet, it was in the messages how to navigate the riptides. That's the beauty of these oracle messages. It's not about the event, but in knowing how we respond to the event that makes a difference. This month's messages are no exception. The excitement continues and gets more intense. To help...

Hello Luminous Reader! When I tune into the energy of this week it feels smooth on the surface, but there are riptides forming underneath. Your personal floatation device is your Highest Self, which always knows the way. Take time each day to cultivate your inner listening so you understand how your Highest Self communicates with you. My preferred methods are through my sound and vision journeys, walking, writing, drawing and the shower. Something about the running water clears my body and...

Hello Luminous Reader! Last week I guided a very special journey into the Field of Forgiveness. If I were to summarise it, I would say it was a shedding of skins. That was the response I heard most... "something left me"... "something dropped away"... "I'm no longer holding all that". We walked through some sticky, heavy, unclear and thorny terrain together. The Field of Forgiveness transformed it all with love and compassion. Forgiveness is love of the highest order, you are the one who...

A pink flower sitting on top of green leaves

Hi Reader, If you attended last month's Lion's Gate 888 you're probably still feeling the reverberations. The prayers received from your Heart have taken root and begun to grow. More and more each day you embody your authentic Self, clear about your next step and confident in your choices. You feel more connected with the world around you and the world within you. You notice you are the Bringer of Light wherever you go. People are drawn to you, feel better in your presence, and magic happens...