✧✧✧ Session Tomorrow: All My Ancestors

Hi Reader,

I've been witnessing our monthly Sonic Acupuncture sessions beautifully unfold from one to the next as a continual blossom with one opening unto the other.

There is an intelligent tapestry being woven when we come together with Sound and Vision to clear and harmonize the distortions to your Light as it is expressed in form.

Last month we explored the Field of Forgiveness and allowed its medicine to reveal and remedy the many facets of guilt, shame, resentment, and abandonment.

This session took on a new shape with a few one-to-one facilitations, with each person holding the fractal of light we all needed to free ourselves.

This is definitely one I will come back to time and again.

When I tune in to tomorrow's session...

The forgiveness continues, but rather than offer its etheric sage to your sphere of life it now travels through space and time radiating out like spokes on a wheel with you at the hub.

They are starting to come in now as I write this... the Ancestors.

They are asking for forgiveness from you for the places they unintentionally obscured your Light.

Their pain became your pain.

Forgiveness will free you all.

The Ancestors want to remind you of the gifts they've passed on to you, as well.

We will travel to when this seed was first planted in your field and clear the blockages that prevented its fullest expression.

You are here to bring it forth into the world.

What I am being shown is that if it had come to fruition before you, another gift would have been seeded within your lineage, the next evolution of your tree.

You are here to elevate the Light of your lineage.

"I finally got to forgive myself for causing all that and it's OK for me to be here. My body feels tired because it's not holding all that stiffness I've been holding for so many years. Pretty amazing! Thank you."

Messages for tomorrow:

This heaviness you carry has been the weight of your ancestors. They didn't mean to drag you down or burden you with their woes. Their pain and hardship left an imprint in the fabric of your being. They ask for your forgiveness. They know of your strength, your power to free yourself. Breaking the bonds frees them too. Your ancestors come not only sharing their Shadows, but also their Light. They come bearing Presence, awakening you to Love threaded through time, through you, from Source itself!

A part of you may feel hesitant or unsure, not knowing what awaits.

You have lived with this vibration for so long you don't know who you are without it.

Or you may be excited for the newness and what awaits!

But the part of you that is calling you to join us tomorrow knows that...

YOU ARE READY and capable of being there for yourself...

As the Sound & Vision support you in living your fullest expression of life.

Coming to a session is to experience a sonic channelling with healing codes and messages being brought through specifically for you. And through you that healing radiates out into the world.

All our ancestors are waiting for us!

Blessings, B

We gather together tomorrow, October 10th at 6pm ET | 3pm PT | 11pm UK

This session is by donation. All proceeds benefit Double the Love Foundation, my 501c3 nonprofit, whose mission is to provide affordable sonic and holistic care to those in need. I thank you for your presence and contribution. 🙏🏻

Have you signed up for my teacher's LIVE event yet? Now is your last chance. He only offers it twice a year and today is the day! October 9th at 6:30pm ET | 3:30pm PT

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