I Sobbed As My Child Was Taken From Me

Dear Reader,

This was the visceral memory I had during my first experience with Edward Mannix, founder of the Compassion Key, almost 2 years ago.

I don't remember what he said that catapulted me into this somatic state, but it overcame me.

I wept as my body re-lived this trauma from another time.

All I could say was, "They're taking my baby!" over and over until the energy lightened and cleared from my body.

Then all the revelations started flowing in... and I saw how this influenced many of the choices I made in this life, whom I attracted and the experiences I created.

That part of me couldn't bear to experience that pain again, so I subconsciously created a life where it wouldn't.

I had seen Edward's ads for about a year prior to deciding to sign up for his webinar. Something about them kept drawing me in.

There was one video with a female participant who would have somatic releases after almost every statement she repeated.

Being able to read energy, I knew this was for real. Even if you don't read energy like I do, if this is meant for you, something in you knows this is real.

It was this webinar that propelled me into 18+ months of in-depth study, practice and mastery of this unique modality. I knew I needed to go all the way, and next month I graduate.

Even graduation isn't the end for me, as I am now on the platform as a practitioner where I continue to learn from my mentors. Plus, I have the honor of sharing the light of Compassion with others who seek its medicine.

If you've been reading my weekly messages, you know it has been integral to my healing of chronic pain.

It has also transformed my professional life, and the lives of my clients. Compassion infuses my daily life and has become a living prayer, as Edward likes to say.

He only offers this special LIVE event twice a year, and the next one is on Wednesday, October 9 at 3:30pm PT | 6:30pm ET | 11:30pm London.

>> Click Here to Clear the #1 Worst Hidden Block. <<

What Edward had discovered is, "When we clear this block, all sorts of amazing possibilities open up and unfold for us - including possibilities some people might consider miraculous or near miraculous."

Dissolving this block frees us from the pain, limitation and suffering it causes in many parts of our lives.

I invite you to check out his page and read the testimonials.

There will be more than 10,000 people from over 100 countries in attendance that Edward will be supporting! I can't speak highly enough of him and the blessing he is to me and thousands of others.

When you join this event you are co-creating a massive field of miracles, joy, healing and abundance. And looking at the state of the world we are in, this is needed now more than ever.

I will be there, and would love for you to join me. ♡

Blessings, Bree

P.S. If you know any individuals or are part of any spiritual/holistic/yoga/energy healing circles you think might want to know about this event, please feel free to forward this email or the link to the page below.

>> Click Here to Register and Learn More About This Week's Special Event. <<

Alchemy & Oracles

Weekly channeled messages, good vibes, featured offerings and inspirational stories to awaken your body-mind to the music of your Heart and Highest Self.

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