🪷 Session Tomorrow: I Forgive Myself

Hi Reader,

If you attended last month's Lion's Gate 888 you're probably still feeling the reverberations.

The prayers received from your Heart have taken root and begun to grow.

More and more each day you embody your authentic Self, clear about your next step and confident in your choices.

You feel more connected with the world around you and the world within you.

You notice you are the Bringer of Light wherever you go.

People are drawn to you, feel better in your presence, and magic happens in your field.

When I tune in to tomorrow's session...

There is hesitancy in taking the next step.

You are scared to feel the painful emotions you have done your best to suppress.

How do you free yourself from the suffering, if part of you believes you deserve it?

Guilt, resentment, blame, and shame are insidious.

They eat you alive and twist your insides, diverting the flow of your Vital Life Force, transforming ease to dis-ease.

How can you forgive yourself when it's too painful to look yourself in the "I"?

Tomorrow you meet Forgiveness, or Etheric Sage as I know her, who will come in to cleanse your field with Love and Compassion.

Forgiveness embraces all of you that is suffering, unwavering in its presence, unconditionally loving you, and gently holding you while restoring Light to your shadows.

This is a tender journey.

We will walk it gently, together.

I also see many Guides, beneficent Light Beings and Ancestors here supporting you, waiting for you to cross the threshold of this barrier that has kept your Heart dim for far too long.

You are not alone.

"Working with a lot of coaches I've learned to forgive myself and forgive her. This hit home. I felt I could finally let the remaining go. I feel a lot lighter. My face looks brighter. I don't have to beat myself up anymore. I can let that go."

Messages for tomorrow:

Your Heart has been waiting for this moment. It's been quivering, attempting to generate enough heat to warm itself, to melt away the frozen Life Force that's been sapping joy and vitality from your existence. A part of you, perhaps many parts of you, have been stuck in time. All is not lost. You have the power and warmth of Love and Forgiveness within you. I know you are scared of reliving the pain of the past, yet it keeps you from experiencing the freedom of the present moment. You've suffered long enough.

A part of you may feel hesitant or unsure, not knowing what awaits.

You have lived with this vibration for so long you don't know who you are without it.

But the part of you that is calling you to join us tomorrow knows that...

YOU ARE READY and capable of being there for yourself...

As the Sound & Vision support you in living your joy-filled purpose.

Coming to a session is to experience a sonic channelling with healing codes and messages being brought through specifically for you. And through you that healing radiates out into the world.

Experience the power of forgiving yourself with other Light Minded souls!

Blessings, B

We gather together tomorrow, September 12th at 6pm ET | 3pm PT | 11pm UK

This session is by donation. All proceeds benefit Double the Love Foundation, my 501c3 nonprofit, whose mission is to provide affordable sonic and holistic care to those in need. I thank you for your presence and contribution. 🙏🏻

Alchemy & Oracles

Weekly channeled messages, good vibes, featured offerings and inspirational stories to awaken your body-mind to the music of your Heart and Highest Self.

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