𑁍 Summer Solstice Message

Hello Luminous Reader!

With the Summer Solstice on our doorstep in a few days, I thought I'd see what messages await us during this cosmic alignment...

You rush around without any mind. Forgetting to follow your inner cycle, the microcosmic orbit*, you lose track of the present moment.

Time is tiny boxes, hourglasses and second hands ticking away zapping your Light Force and enslaving your soul.

That is the time of limits and you are limitless.

That is the time of fragmentation and separation from who YOU truly are.

The bodymind is never at ease living in time.

Feel into it. It pulls you apart... into the past or the future. It pulls you away from Now.

You don't know where you're going. Overwhelmed and confused by all the parts inside and out pulling you in different directions.

Living in the Now is where direct access to your Power, your Wisdom, your Highest Self, and your freedom reside.

Breathe into the center of your Heart space.

β–Έ There is a portal in the center of your chest. Allow it to open. It recognizes your unique energy signature so only you can enter. You are safe and protected.

β–Έ Allow your breath to guide you to the inner sanctum of your Heart. If you find yourself stuck, pause there for a breath or two until the passage opens and then continue on.

β–Έ Once you arrive, there is a place for you to sit or lie down. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. Once you do, your bodymind instantly begins to regenerate and restore itself.

β–Έ Invite the connection with your Highest Self.

β–Έ Ask for it to show you the next step, or what one thing it would love for you to have today, or allow this energy to go where it is needed in your body, or allow it to bring you a particular feeling of which you seek to embody more (joy, compassion, grace, gratitude, etc), the possibilities are endless!

*The microcosmic orbit is a Qi Gong energy cultivation technique fostering health, longevity and spiritual awareness by clearing the obstructions to your vital Light Force as it flows through the Du (Governing) and Ren (Conception) Channels of your body.

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The Middle Path

I seem to be attracting people in need of support and clarity regarding their path and purpose lately.

Last week I guided a client on a journey of self discovery as we explored 2 paths.

One was of a desert landscape with a redeeming vista at the end. The other was a windy jungle road ending at a hill that reminded me of a burial mound.

When I tracked her energy down the first path, I didn't notice much change. Down the second path she was all lit up and there was a lot of movement, which I like to see, but neither of them felt right to me.

I wondered if there was a 3rd path available that she hadn't considered before. So I asked her to look for one... and she saw two cobblestones.

Then I shared with her the new Diamond πŸ’Ž Activation technology to help attune her to the job her Highest Self envisioned for her.

Sometimes our ideas are not aligned with our Highest Self and this can be the reason we find ourselves stuck or in repeating patterns.

Once the Diamonds were installed and activated, she then connected with the version of herself already at her ideal job and received the clarity she was seeking.

I then gave her some LightWork (much more fun than homework!) to get continued guidance.

One more cool thing - when she checked in on the middle path after the Diamond πŸ’Ž Activation, another cobblestone appeared!

Phenomenal Bree! This was definitely helpful. This was a beautiful session! I loved it! I loved it! So many things that came through were so true.



β₯ Improve your health
β₯ Discover your joy-filled purpose
β₯ Elevate your relationship with yourself and others
β₯ Experience rapid manifestations

(30 minutes for $50 this month only)

Your body is perfectly designed for these times. It offers you immense power and unique gifts. It is guided by the Heart and emanates from the All That Is. You are here to enjoy your body and live a joyful, fulfilling, healthy and purposeful life.

Blessings, Bree


I pulled a card for you...

I know I am the sole creator of my reality, and that I have all the power I need within me to generate a totally satisfying life. I stop blaming people or outside events. With God's loving support I tune into my creative power and I bring joy and light into my life and the life of others.


β₯ Align with your joy-filled purpose. Schedule a private Sonic Alchemy session.

β₯ Experience a Diamond πŸ’Ž Activation. 30 minutes for $50 this month only. Book now.​

β₯ Visit the Sonic Apothecary and download the remedy you need.

β₯ Watch the Sonic Alchemy messages for June.​

I will be offering a new cohort beginning sometime in late summer over 6-8 weeks, where I will guide you From Intention to Integration. Space is limited to 6 beautiful souls.

β₯ If you are interested and want to learn more, get on the waitlist and click here.

Reply to this email and let me know your takeaway from this week's message. πŸ’Œ

Did you miss a message? You can find them posted here.

It's my mission to Harmonize the Nature of Oneself. I would be most grateful to you for helping me share this message with those you feel would resonate with it. πŸ™πŸ»

Alchemy & Oracles

Weekly channeled messages, good vibes, featured offerings and inspirational stories to awaken your body-mind to the music of your Heart and Highest Self.

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