
Alchemy & Oracles

Weekly channeled messages, good vibes, featured offerings and inspirational stories to awaken your body-mind to the music of your Heart and Highest Self.

I find that my work is best understood when directly experienced. If you are new to my work I recommend the powerful Sonic Alchemy session* to help restore balance and harmony using a combination of Sonic Acupuncture, the Compassion Key®, a clairvoyant reading of your biofield, and other tools.

A remote viewing of your biofield using sound and vision will accurately reveal the blocks connected to the issues you are seeking to address, while simultaneously facilitating integration of your wounded aspects that carry the pain imprint.

This vibrational synergy will transform patterns of dis-ease and disharmony and may result in the resolution of physical issues, improved well-being, increased energy, improvements in personal relationships, increased prosperity and shifting of long-standing belief patterns.

It allows for you to become more congruent and in alignment with who you truly are.

𑁍 If you are a New Client and would like to experience the transformative power of a Sonic Alchemy Session, schedule here. *90 minutes and includes a bonus 30-minute follow up call. Online only.

𑁍 If you are a Returning Client or would like to explore other offerings, click here.

𑁍 I also offer monthly group Sonic Acupuncture sessions by donation to benefit my 501c3 nonprofit, Double the Love Foundation.