𑁍 Shedding Skins

Hello Luminous Reader!

Last week I guided a very special journey into the Field of Forgiveness.

If I were to summarise it, I would say it was a shedding of skins.

That was the response I heard most... "something left me"... "something dropped away"... "I'm no longer holding all that".

We walked through some sticky, heavy, unclear and thorny terrain together. The Field of Forgiveness transformed it all with love and compassion.

Forgiveness is love of the highest order, you are the one who needs this medicine most.

This session took on a new shape and expanded Light with a few one-to-one facilitations, with each person holding the fractal of light we all needed to free ourselves.

Forgiveness is always there for you, deep within your heart.

Many shared beautiful breakthroughs, realizations and transformations:

"I finally got to forgive myself for causing all that and it's OK for me to be here. My body feels tired because it's not holding all that stiffness I've been holding for so many years. Pretty amazing! Thank you."
"It was very trance-like for me. As always it is very transformational. I wanted to tap into all the healing I could."
"Wow! Towards the end it felt like an energetic body dropped away from me... all the way from the top down to my feet left at once."

And.... this is truly magical!

As I was adding Diamond Dust in the field at the end to help you land gently, one participant messaged and said,

"It has been dark here all day and light just started pouring through the trees as you sent the dust."

I took the journey myself the next evening and I have no words to describe the feeling of being in her field. She is truly Etheric Sage.

From the beginning, my body began to unwind through my entire spine. It was so yummy I wondered why I didn't do this every day!

And the sound... I could feel the tuning forks moving the stuck energy in my head and solar plexus.

My favorite part was forgiving the past, future, and all other aspects of myself in this dimension and others.

You can experience The Field of Forgiveness and her medicine for yourself.

It is a wonderful session to listen when...

▸ You want to clear feelings of guilt, resentment, shame, and grief.

▸ You're experiencing unknown physical and emotional symptoms.

▸ You're ready to let go of that which no longer serves you.

▸ Want to connect with your Heart, your Highest Self, and allow the Field of Forgiveness to cleanse and clear your field.

If you need a more exclusive container and connection as you traverse these tender places, I am here for you.

Step into The Field of Forgiveness and free yourself from the guilt, shame, resentment and other emotions that have been blocking your Heart's light from shining through.

Save 15% with code: REPLAY0924
valid through September 23rd

Your body is perfectly designed for these times. It offers you immense power and unique gifts. It is guided by the Heart and emanates from the All That Is. You are here to enjoy your body and live a joyful, fulfilling, healthy and purposeful life.

Blessings, Bree

I pulled a card for you...

There is no need to rush. Time is working in my favor. With God's kind help, everything falls back into place in a perfectly appropriate way for my highest good. I stay calm and confident. I take the time to celebrate the perfection of the moment with serenity and joy.

Schedule a private Sonic Alchemy session. Discount packages & payment plans available.

Download The Field of Forgiveness. Save 15% with code REPLAY0924. Valid through September 23rd.

❥ Watch September's messages: Caution: Excitement Ahead

video preview

I am offering a new cohort beginning sometime in the late Fall for 6-8 weeks, where I will guide you From Intention to Integration. Space is limited to 6 beautiful souls.

❥ If you are interested and want to learn more, get on the waitlist and click here.

Reply to this email and let me know your takeaway from this week's message. 💌

Did you miss a message? You can find them posted here.

It's my mission to Harmonize the Nature of Oneself. I would be most grateful to you for helping me share this message with those you feel would resonate with it. 🙏🏻

Alchemy & Oracles

Weekly channeled messages, good vibes, featured offerings and inspirational stories to awaken your body-mind to the music of your Heart and Highest Self.

Read more from Alchemy & Oracles

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