𑁍 We've got another hurricane coming...

Hello Luminous Reader!

There's a lot to be done.

Your dedication and commitment is required to see this through.

Lives depend on it.

You may believe your actions have no impact, but you forget you are One with all Life.

Everything you do has meaning. Everything you do impacts everything else.

You are that powerful. How will you choose to use this power?

Impactful thoughts...

▸ If you knew your thoughts had an impact on your world and the people around you, what thoughts would you have about yourself? About the world? About them?

▸ What thoughts do you have on a regular basis that pass beneath the level of your conscious awareness that are creating and influencing your world?

▸ No need to search, just ask your subconscious mind to share them with you and notice what arises to the surface. Write them down.

▸ Would you change them? If yes, write down the preferred thoughts.

Impactful actions...

▸ If you knew your every action had an impact on your world and the people around you, what would you do differently?

▸ What actions would you take to create the world you want to live in? Write them down.

▸ Take a moment to connect with your Highest Self and ask what actions you can take to create the world you desire. Write them down.

▸ Are they different? What one action can you take this week? What did you notice when taking that action?

Stopping the storms...

On a personal note, we've got another hurricane coming our way less than two weeks after Helene released her fury, please pray for all those who are in Milton's path.

Even beyond that...

✦ Envision the hurricane weakening before it reaches the coast.

✦ See everyone, humans and animals, protected in bubbles of golden or white Light.

✦ Envision us all on an alternate timeline where this hurricane is not a possibility.

✦ Envision everyone a few days after the storm and hear everyone saying how amazed they are that the hurricane miraculously steered away from populated areas and no damage was incurred.

✦ Write in your journal, reflecting how this storm was coming and it miraculously weakened to a tropical depression, saving the lives of thousands.

Writing as if it happened amplifies your conscious creative power.

✦ Call upon your Angels, Beneficent Light Beings and Extra Dimensional Beings to help.

✦ Ask your Highest Self how your Light can best serve everyone for the highest good of All.

You have the power to shape the world around you.

If everyone who reads this message focuses their Intent on diverting and weakening the storm, or any of the above suggestions, we will have a greater effect.

I have successfully used one or more of these approaches on many occasions.

Everything is consciousness. You are consciousness.

You can influence the shape of this consciousness by seeing - feeling - knowing - sensing - perceiving a new possibility and saving the lives of thousands.

Thank you. 🙏🏻

If you need support weathering your storm, I am here for you.

This Thursday, October 10 at 3pm PT | 6pm ET | 11pm UK

Awaken to the wisdom, insights and gifts your ancestors have bestowed upon you and release the bonds that hold you back. Transform the pain imprinted upon your DNA, clearing it for generations to come.

* This session is by donation *

A FREE Compassion Key Group Session
Live your fullest expression of life!

Optimizing Your Vibrational Health

Thursday, October 17th at 2pm PT | 5pm ET | 10pm UK
~ 90 minutes

* This will be recorded for educational purposes only. The recording will not be sent out, so you must be able to attend live. *

Your body is perfectly designed for these times. It offers you immense power and unique gifts. It is guided by the Heart and emanates from the All That Is. You are here to enjoy your body and live a joyful, fulfilling, healthy and purposeful life.

Blessings, Bree

I pulled a card for you...

(Turns out it's the same one as last week! I guess we really need it.)

I keep my mind focused on abundance, health, beauty, happiness and success. I stay away from negative people. I carefully choose those with whom I spend my time, including my leisure time. I give up all useless activities, associations and relationships. I surround myself with people who succeed and contribute, who manifest a positive attitude and who empower me through their own light.

Reserve your spot for October's Sonic Acupuncture session: All My Ancestors

Sign up for the LIVE event that changed the trajectory of my life with my teacher and mentor, Edward Mannix on Wednesday, October 9 at 6:30pm ET | 3:30pm PT | 11:30pm UK

Register for Optimizing Your Vibrational Health, a FREE Compassion Key group clearing.

Schedule a private Sonic Alchemy session. Discount packages & payment plans available.

❥ Watch October's messages: You Got This!

video preview

I am offering a new cohort beginning sometime in the late Fall for 6-8 weeks, where I will guide you From Intention to Integration. Space is limited to 6 beautiful souls.

❥ If you are interested and want to learn more, get on the waitlist and click here.

Reply to this email and let me know your takeaway from this week's message. 💌

Did you miss a message? You can find them posted here.

It's my mission to Harmonize the Nature of Oneself. I would be most grateful to you for helping me share this message with those you feel would resonate with it. 🙏🏻

Alchemy & Oracles

Weekly channeled messages, good vibes, featured offerings and inspirational stories to awaken your body-mind to the music of your Heart and Highest Self.

Read more from Alchemy & Oracles

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Hello Luminous Reader! We did it! Myself and many others were calling upon the Lightworkers of the world to weaken and divert the storm. Both happened! Milton made landfall as a Category 3 and did move slightly south. Here, we were definitely protected from the Tropical Storm and the 20 plus tornados in our area, which was responsible for most of the damage. So, THANK YOU!!! Now, imagine what we can do for ourselves and the world when we come together for other purposes! One such purpose is...